“These things happen. I do not know whether they are accidents or preordained but these things happen. I brought this on myself so it’s hard to say and I can’t complain”, says Johnny as he smiles…with his eyes.

Sitting two yards from Johnny, I never would have been able to tell that he had spent two years of his young life in six different HMPs. It might be because I don’t know how youngsters who have spent two years in six different HMPs are supposed to look like archetypically. Or perhaps because Johnny O is not upset or even mildly bitter about life as I had half expected him to be. 

He cracks jokes easily and has a good word or three for everyone who passes by.
A usual Friday night out – no, what started as a usual Friday night out, two and a half years earlier, kicked off a series of events that eventually culminated in the banging up of an only son, Johnny, abroad.

Johnny, decked out in his freshest garms and a pair of Nike creps, stepped out to have some fun at a nearest nightclub, leaving his trusting and loyal girlfriend at home two-plus years earlier.
At the end of the night and only four drinks later, the handsome young man emerged from the nightclub with two of the sexiest daughters of Eve of the night. One on each arm – true player style. Their extra extra short dresses struggled to stay on their smooth, bare skins and Johnny’s eyes struggled to stay in their respective sockets.

They walked into the cold autumn night and the three adventure-seekers began earnestly hunting a bench or somewhere convenient within a nearby park.

Mist or fog or whatever it was swirled smoky vortexes around the trees and bushes forming a transparent haze. And it sort of partitioned the thrill-seekers from the rest of the world. 

Claire (real character but fake name 1) and Chloe (real character but fake name 2) were freezing and Johnny was expected to provide heat… and he could not wait. But as is always the case, someone developed cold feet. That person was Johnny’s target Claire’s partner-in-crime Chloe.

Perhaps she had all of a sudden remembered her Sunday School lessons.

Perhaps she had not drunk enough.

Perhaps she had experienced a proverbial moment of clarity.

Whatever it was, Chloe told Claire that she was not getting “a good vibe about the whole thing and wanted to go home”. At the time, Claire’s libido level had gone through the ozone layer and wasn’t coming down any time soon. Try as she may, Chloe could not convince Claire to get off the path that she was treading.

Claire, partly due to alcohol - mind you she wasn’t too drunk to not know what she was doing. She knew exactly what she was doing – and partly due to the wonderful charms of Johnny and partly due to Johnny’s six-packed torso, was so far gone that she was not answering her boyfriend’s calls. She didn’t want him killing the vibe. He had called at least SEVEN times.

Claire and Johnny were so busy smooching the life out of each other that they did not even notice that Chloe had left. Eventually they found a fairly lit spot near a lamp post.

Now or never.

They got down to action. Action being Claire getting down on her knees and Johnny giving her lips the old in-out-in-out treatment. Johnny’s pelvis oscillated with his Carhatt Khakis fly open and eyes tightly shut as he savoured every bit of pleasure that Claire’s warm, soft and moist mouth provided. The single-digit temperature atmosphere only added to his intense gratification. 

They were both lost in moans and groans and everything in between and then some.
To this day, he doesn't know what made him - maybe it was an instant of disquietude or intervention by universal forces – but he opened his eyes suddenly and what he saw almost made him pass out.

An enormous man about the size of a house was standing not further than twelve feet away. Even in the dim light, Johnny saw that the man had balled his hands into fists. The look on his face was that of pain, disbelief, anger and a tinge of disappointment. He looked ready to pounce like a tiger. He was the epitome of a man unsure whether he was capable of doing what he was about to do and hence the hesitation.

Johnny did not know for how long man-house had been standing there for. He had never met him before but he knew instinctively that he was Claire’s boyfriend …

To be continued…

Paaaaaart one and Twoooooooo. Part 2 of this real life story coming soon.
Special thanks to John Oluwatumbo Onukafor.
Lenny Briscoe II and Poison Pen Incorporated/Machine Gun Gum


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