1 Tell us a bit about yourself.

Hi readers of Lenny Briscoe II’s blog! My name is Lydia and I’m 18 years old. I was born and raised in Munich, South Germany. At the moment I am a student and I’m going to finish school soon. This might be hard to believe for everyone, but I am 100% white and not mixed race, just to make it clear. So many people think I am, because of my natural curly hair. [Laughs].

2 I heard the mixed-race rumours. I think it’s not just the curly hair; it’s also because you’ve rhythm! Have you always been into dancing in general?

Yes. When I was younger I attended Hip Hop and some ballet dance classes. My mother has also been a big influence for me as she is a professional dancer.

3 That explains it. What else are you into?

I really like photography and editing videos and photos. I am also a bit into singing and rapping (I’m not the best, but it’s fun!) Music in general is very important to me. What’s more, I like doing makeup and getting creative with it. I always like trying out new things. Recently I have been trying to learn some street football tricks.

4 Wow. How did you get introduced to Azonto? Was it just through YouTube or was it a friend?

That’s a funny story. A Ghanaian friend told me about ‘Azonto’. I always thought he was        talking about a song called ‘Azonto’ by Fuse ODG, until I found out that 'Azonto' was actually a dance. So I started to search for videos and tutorials on YouTube.

5 We saw the first Azonto video you uploaded with your mate, you were pretty weak then, now I see you dance like a different person altogether. How did that change happen?

The guy in the video is just a friend and it was basically our first attempt at dancing Azonto. From then on I practiced every day. Now I have been doing it for more than a year!

6. Now all you Azonto dancers make funny faces and twist your lips up. Is it part and parcel of the dance?

Yes, it’s definitely part of it! When I started dancing Azonto, I didn’t do funny facial expressions, but when you start to really feel the dance, these expressions just come naturally.

7 [Laughs].I see. How does it feel being the World’s best Azonto dancer of Caucasoid persuasion (White) at least according to YouTube? Even better than “The Vujanic” (Caucasian boy in Oliver Twist video)?

Haha! Oh wow! Well, I personally don’t call myself ‘The world’s best white Azonto dancer’. It’s definitely a huge compliment, thank you! In general, hearing compliments about my dancing is really nice, of course. Knowing that I can actually contribute to the popularity of this craze (also in Germany) is an amazing feeling! Soon I will start an Azonto workshop here in Munich. All this really encourages me to go on!

8 Did you even know about Ghana before falling in love with Azonto?

Yes, I first fell in love with Ghana, and Azonto followed. From a young age I have always been interested in Africa .The older I got, the more I found out about Africa and one day I came across Ghana and started to get greatly attracted to this country.

9 We saw you “repp’ing” your Ghana shirt before Ghana played Niger in the African cup. Does your romance with Ghana end after the Azonto fades out?

Definitely not! It’s not only Azonto that attracts me to Ghana. It’s the culture, the music, the way of life and the food ... I can even cook some Ghanaian dishes like ‘Nkatenkwan’ and I love it! There are so many things which have made Ghana a big part of my life. Besides my boyfriend is Ghanaian. Some people are surprised though, how I can be so attracted to a country I have not even visited before.

10 What happens to the hundreds of Lydia’s Madness fans after the death of Azonto, if there ever was? A lot of people would want you to take up any other dance that’s on (hot), just so they can stay in touch. What do you reckon?

There are many other (African) dances. At the moment I am learning some Amanda and Etighi. I try not to only stick with Azonto but rather try to constantly improve and learn new things. And if one day I shouldn’t know what to dance anymore, I can still dance Alingo! [Laughs]

11[Laughs at Alingo] You do say a few Ghanaian slang words but who hooked you up with your “obroni paaa” slogan?

Believe it or not, but I learned most of the Ghanaian words and sentences by myself. Also using ‘Obruni paa’ as my slogan was my idea. Some time ago I got myself a book for learning Twi. But of course, my Ghanaian friends taught me a lot as well!

12 Would you ever consider performing in Ghana?

Haha! Yeah, why not? This could be a great experience! I plan to go to Ghana this or next year the latest. Maybe I’ll get some requests by then. We’ll see.

13 What do family & friends think about your videos and how good you’ve gotten at Azonto?

Oh, they are all really proud of me and support me with what I do. My mum even wants to learn some Azonto now. Who knows, we might do a video together...

14 I know you don’t get the language but music transcends language, right? So who’s your favourite Azonto artiste? Like whose music (Azonto-wise) do you love vibing/dancing to the most? 

This question is so hard to answer, but naming only one I’d probably say ‘Keche’.

15 What’s the weirdest thing a fan of Lydia’s madness has asked you or asked you to do?

Haha! Well, since I do Azonto videos I get marriage proposals almost every day. It’s crazy! Once I was asked to upload a video of myself dancing Azonto naked!

16 Yourself aside obviously, who is your favourite Azonto dancer?

There are so many dancers that I fancy, but one of my favorite dancers is "Stunnakid".

17 Are you bothered by a few females blatantly copying Lydia’s madness?

So far I haven’t noticed that anyone copying me exactly. If so, it wouldn't bother me. I also get some inspiration from other videos. I guess that’s normal.

18 That is intelligent. Do you think you’d ever regret (in the future) becoming famous through Azonto? 

No! I am so happy with what I achieved so far and I mean, I never thought I would ever become ‘famous’ with it. I have already been invited to music video shoots, got to know many nice people and was able to experience so much. I even got to know my boyfriend, because of my YouTube videos. So I would never ever regret it!

19 You are German but your fans and followers are predominantly in Ghana and the UK. Would you consider commercializing your craft? Like through adverts and TV appearances and such in Ghana or the UK before Azonto becomes irrelevant?

Of course, that would be so cool! If I had the chance to, I’d definitely take it! Some of my Facebook followers even told me that I have appeared on Ghanaian TV a few times already.

20 Yes, people have see you on Ghana TV. Top 5 Azonto tracks right now?

IOdo Mu Tolerr – B-Gee, Keche, Kankam 
IIParty Pooper – Nana NYC
IIIAdie No – Vibz, Joey B 
 IVAntenna – Fuse ODG
VLondon Bridge – 4x4

21 What’s the most annoying question I have asked you?

 Haha! To be honest, I didn’t find any question annoying! I had a lot of fun answering them. It was a great first interview, I’d say. Medase paa!


  1. Were you going to ask her if she had a boyfriend before she said anything about her?

  2. No but I was going to ask her if she had a manager!

  3. Lenny, I have seen her videos about a thousand times.How do I get to meet her?

  4. Return ticket to Germany and back is your best bet for now.(I laugh).You can LIKE her page on Facebook.It's called "Lydia's Madness".And you can follow(stalk in your case)her on Twitter.

  5. Congrats Lenny.. Keep it up and more grease to your elbows. Braap!!!

  6. No congrats to you,my fantastic football analyst and Lydia(amazing dancer,regardless of colour).I could do with more grease to my elbow though,I'm getting old!

  7. hahahaha...she can cook Nkatenkwan????...i go like taste see!!..lol

  8. AHAHAHAHAHAHA.Taste just the Nkantenkwan please,Frenchy.

  9. oh yeaaaa!!!....i see one of in vids before...the one with the "Ayi" track!!!!...chale the girl dey form bad!!...me sef my azonto be still suspect!!..lol

  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBq3i8RxXIA


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