How (in)appropriate that Luis Suarez and John Terry allegedly(and I say that carefully), chose to use October-the so-called Black History month-to peacock their true racist colours!

On a serious note though, these issues will be relevant no matter what month they occured(that is, if they actually did occur).

Why? Some people genuinely want to see the back of racism in football and sport in general, for the more optimistic.(As if that is even possible!). The majority though, are not fussed, they just delight in seeing the demise of fellow humans. Especially when they are public figures or celebrities(what does that word even mean?!).

The Luis Suarez/Patrice Evra issue is a case of "your word against mine", so it is near-enough impossible to prove. Unless of course, there are hidden mini-microphones in Mr Evra's captain's armband or the corner flag where he and Mr Suarez spent most of the afternoon that match-day(no offence).

Now to Captain John Terry; Chelsea Club captain and on-off-and-on again captain of England. Legend in the game. There's no way he can be racist,really. Well, either that or he is not your average everyday racist.

The Chelsea first team boasts of not just English but Portuguese, Belgian, Spanish, Czech, Brazillian, Ghanaian, Nigerian, French and Ivorian internationals.

Amongst them,there are gentlemen with the melanin pigment. Plenty too.

So why would anyone dare call a whole England captain a racist? Anyone, who saw the ill-tempered QPR vs Chelsea game could tell the Chelsea galaxy were far from happy right from the penalty decision till the end.

I am not (under any circumstance) a lip-reading expert, but even an idiot could make out John Terry mouthing "f**king knobhead". Unfortunately for him, it was the supposed preceding sentence that the politically-correct were/are interested in.

Even before the QPR game had ended, the clip (of John Terry yelling) was wildly circulating over the 'net. John Terry quicly responded to the allegations. Something, that he may have regretted, in hindsight. In the statement released on Skysports, he said he "thought Anton Ferdinand had accused " him of racial insults, so he "responded aggresively".

Mr Anton Ferdinand insists there was no such "discussion" between them on the pitch. So whatever John Terry said was what he obviously meant.

His supporters claim the word used was "blind" and not "Black". What?? Which even though is offensive to a visually-impaired person, they thought was milder in comparison to "Black". But if John Terry "thought",A Ferdinand was accusing him of racial slurs, then of course he definitely did not say "blind".

Pretty straight forward, but of course we are no lip-reading gurus. The (P)FA and the Police are looking into the issue and hence it would be wiser if we did appreciate what the man does on the field instead, for once.

He probably said "blast","blank", "bland",or even "blunt" for all we know.(I write that with a straight face).

9 out of 10 people won't admit it but it is Mr J Terry's off-field antics, that is influencing their judgements. With an off-field lifestyle more colourful than a Wagner Love or even Dennis Rodman hairstyle, people see "JT" as the quintessential modern day footballer. Skim through his resume:

  • Urinating into a glass in a nightclub and feigning to drink it.
  • Nightclub brawls.
  • Sleeping with-and not just sleeping with-actually making love to a former friend/club-mate Wayne Bridge's partner while he was still married.
  • Touring Chelsea training grounds and other areas with guests for a fee.
  • Renting out his box at Wembley for a fee(of course!).
So, as is usually the case, people are going to find him guilty until proven innocent. How about on-field feats like giving 100% for England especially at South Africa 2010? Almost winning the Champions League with Chelsea?Countless domestic medals. And just simply being a long-serving leader of one of the strongest clubs in England at the moment?

It is easy to forget the significance of Anton Ferdinand's feelings amidst the furore. For the sake of the game, let us hope that an amicable "solution" comes out of this inquiry.

Now onto the next game.....................


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