
Showing posts from August, 2012
                               GHANAIAN PHOTOGRAPHER IN NIGERIA Pt 2 As the security man ran towards us, my first thought was to leg it and forget the boys. If I was to run, where was I to hide though? I did not know Lagos town. It was just us dwarves against this giant of a man. I silently said my prayers in unknown tongues. It must have worked because the photographer had the divine inclination to smile . Smiling was the last thing on my mind at the time. Yet, the raw aggression on the security man’s face eased visibly a notch or three. The photographer’s smile had worked! When Goliath got to us, the photographer –who I’ll call Simon for now- launched into a narrative, talking about how beautiful the city of Lagos really was. He began showing off the millions of pictures he had taken to Goliath, describing each one elaborately. He hadn’t even let the Nigerian chip a word in. He was pretending that Goliath’s rush towards us was friendly and strangely enough the Nigerian was
                                GHANAIAN PHOTOGRAPHER IN NIGERIA Pt.1 I knew I was about to witness the most expensive engagement/wedding ever – at least one that I would be a part of . My (Ghanaian) mate was marrying a Nigerian woman of a certain hallowed profession. Not only that, she was from quite an illustrious background. And you know Nigerians, right? Right.  So there was a certain degree of extravagance, panache and display of excesses expected. Guaranteed. I knew there would be something for me to blog about, but what I thought was what I was going to blog about turned out not to be what I’m about to blog about. (That last sentence did not make sense,did it? Just ignore that). THE ENGAGEMENT Anyway, you are not going to read about the amount of cash (in dollars) spent on first class flights to Nigeria and back for about twenty-odd people. Or the prices charged per head by the so-called five-star hotels that were provided for the same number of people