So what was I to do? The aim has always been to be more Hitchcock than Hitch but there I was being subtly asked to play Cupid. Poor old Jamal who had been single for so long, he had forgotten how long for. “They’re both single” I told him. His spirits lifted. Jamal understood there was no way of either of us knowing who was more likely to be game – Keisha or Ashley? It was a textbook case of trial and error. What was wiser? To zone in and put all eggs in one basket or to spread his tentacles and hope for the best? That was entirely and clean up to him. He went to work. And thus, ladies and gentlemen, commenced email festivals and textual (yes, you read ‘textual’) activity all over the place. Don’t get me wrong though; there was lots of actual work being done as well – you know, dignity of labour, work and happiness, hard work builds a nation and all that crap. KPIs were shooting through the roof. How was Jamal doing? He was getting a variant mix of vaguely encouraging ...