So a supposedly “straightforward routine” turned out to be a “major surgery” and an overnight stay in a hospital for my partner and 36 hours of an inadvertent bonding session with my 9 month old daughter. I had almost forgotten how the insides of a hospital looked like and smelled like (thank God) and as we went to see the specialist, I was grateful that we were in for a “straightforward routine”. There was the usual bit of delay – no, in fact there was a very lengthy delay. When my partner’s name was eventually called out by the immaculately dressed nurse, my sigh of relief must have been audible from 50 yards away, I checked my watch, knowing I’d be able to get out and get in the day job soon. In the mean time, there was the small issue of taking care of, entertaining and engaging a surprisingly energetic 9 month old until my partner was done. Another 45 minutes late...