
Showing posts from July, 2013


                                                    FLASH FROM THE ASH                                                                                                                LANDLINE LOVE Episode 1 As the embers lay, fading to ashes/ Some particles refuse to die, showing signs of life by sparks and flashes Certain things have the tendency/ To try living indefinitely Such are some memories/ - Ato Long,198-something                                                            “I feel sorry for the new generation. They will never know the ‘joys’ of calling a girlfriend and having her parents pick up the land-line receiver.” The above joke – unfunny as it is – is one of the most recycled, re-touched, re-used and re-tweeted on Social Media. Why? Perhaps, it is so because the older generation can relate. Even though young people obviously know what a land phone line is, the connection with a potential future in-law may not be instantaneously established a