
Showing posts from May, 2013


                                                       …So when the Eastern European “gentleman” approached him and offered to sell him a top-of-the-range, ultra-modern laptop for half the RRP, I was surprised to observe that our boxing hero’s interest bone had been tickled. So as if led by some unseen force from some next dimension, Ayitey Powers was led like a sheep to the slaughter. The slaughter being a burnt-out 1980-something Fiat. The Fiat was where all the magic lay . We shall call our Eastern European Mariusz for convenience sake and because I just can’t keep saying/typing “Eastern European, Eastern European” like an idiot.  Well, he walked briskly towards the said car. It was business, nothing personal . Mariusz nodded to another Mariusz-looking guy in the stalls who was trying too hard to look like a casual, innocent bystander. He looked, to me, like an accomplice from 100 yards away. All the while, Ayitey followed the first Mariusz to his car. Clickety cla